Blog: Visual Language
ITPG-GT 2005-001
Tutor: Su
Part I:
Create a brand for yourself including a logo, color palette and typography.

Working process:
I like Minimalism; I like it to be balanced or symmetrical; and I like the combination of thin-machinery typography and thick-hand-brushed(written) one.
So I started by looking at my name, (English and Chinese ones) and did some tests with my pen & brush pen:

So instead of putting the whole name on it for the Chinese stroke, I decide to only take one word as the main body of my first name. (well I've only got two anyway)
That is fan (凡). I tried the other one qi (启), but it looks a bit too complicated, besides this is a word that an English speaker can never pronounce it right. (I really wonder why it's not even hard lol) I've done some test with both words, using different handwriting styles.


(If it looks different from the printed word, it's totally correct. But it's complicated to explain)
Finally I choose this one to fit my other "thin-machinery part":

Contrary to the more traditional way of writing the word, it has the dot outside on the top, instead of inside on the middle. I use it the same way of my "FAN"'s A, where the line is outside A and lies on its top.
Anyway here's the final work:

A bit more: color palette
I choose this color, at some extent, to imitate the texture and color of the traditional writing paper. Also this simple color has always been one of my favorites, with a sense of minimalism as well.