Blog: Visual Language
ITPG-GT 2005-001
Tutor: Su
Part I:
Choose a palette of five colors that represents YOU. Using your palette create four square compositions.
Palette for WYATT:

Still images

A composition just in order to play with my name. 'Wyatt' and Katakana "Wyatt". I picked these five colors which are the ones I liked to use in my video works as well, that low-saturated and old Avant-garde film feeling. I also like the way these colors sort of represent Minimalism in someway.
So, for this one: I don't really have a "personal brand", but this in an extend shows the style I like in design. Simplicity, some randomness in a fairly stable structure... Some elements like those.

A piece that sort of describes ChongQing, the city I was born in. It's a magical city, with lots and lots of hills and mountains, undergrounds in the mid-air, and a big river that divides the city into three parts. In the nights you see all the tall buildings lighted up, everywhere separated in the city.

Was done when I was drunk. lol No, I mean, yes, it also represents me in a way, that I did several magazines in different cities and countries. Good old times. I miss the old times.
P5JS interactive images

Playing with delusion and mosaic effect. So, I'm just learning about P5js, just trying to enter the creative coding world. I think a little practice with visual effect like this can also be fun.
The following are some extra attempts.

All pics: